Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Green eggs and fruit salad!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Two of my sisters and I made green eggs and fruit salad this morning. We had a spur-of-the-moment garage sale after breakfast. It went really well. There were a ton of customers (maybe because my mom wore a green wig!) and we made around seventy dollars. Check out my mom's blog!

Michelle, who had her wisdom teeth out three days ago, even came out for a bit of it! We sold some brownies too. =) Our sweet neighbor gave us ten dollars for one brownie!

I'm lovin' Picmonkey! Aren't the daisies so cute?
Thankfully, there is a Blessing Bash happening in a few days, so we bagged up the remaining items and loaded the back of the Suburban. It's nice to do some spring cleaning. =)


P.S. Happy Birthday, Aunt Jen!!!!


  1. Spring Cleaning is fun (at least I think so) :) We took some stuff to Goodwill this afternoon and I have been cleaning/organizing cupboards this week.

    1. Yes, it's fun when you're in the mood to clean!
